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City Council Meeting 02/26/2004
Council Meeting #9 of 2004
February 26, 2004
Work Session Meeting
Memorial City Hall
6:00 PM

Roll Call – Councilor McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore - Present. Councilor Jacobs, absent. (Councilor Hunter arrived at 7:00PM)

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Bea O’Hora, Comptroller; Lisa Greene Assistant Comptroller

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations – None

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

Presentation of Petitions and Communication – None.

Ordinances and Local Laws - None

Work Session – Audit Report

Ciashi, Deitershagen, Little and Michelson presented a hand out summary of the audit report.  Bea O’Hora, Comptroller and Lisa Greene, Assistant Comptroller began the presentation.  Patrick Jordan and Leslie Spurgin partners in the firm gave the overall report and answered questions.  City Manager John Salomone discussed various points.

Public to be heard –
Greg Brazee, Auburn spoke to thank Council for forming the Cable committee and stated he hoped it would be all legally done.  

Greg Rigby, 124 Owasco St. spoke to comment on the fund balance discussion and to suggest that a third option would be to cut spending.

John Hogan, 13 Dexter Ave. commented on the energy costs.

Valentine Valvoldi, Auburn spoke regarding a land sale question.

Other Business –  
Councilor Dempsey question several items on the claims list.  He also asked that a temporary halt begin on legal services for the cable franchise issues until expenses can be assessed.

Councilor Lattimore asked the Manager to report on the total overtime paid to Assistant Fire Chiefs.

Council adjourned to executive session at 8:05PM, returning at 8:30 PM

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.